Monday, June 21, 2010
Hot Key List

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Brandon DiCamillo! (He is not wasted in this picture as you may suspect).
If you're not sure who he is, than tune into MTV sometime, watch some Viva La Bam or JackA$$ and you'll know. He is actually the nicest celebrity I encountered on my three days there. I stopped in front of his booth to make a phonecall, not realiing who it was. Then he called over to me, "Hey do you wanna take a picture?" Before i even could answer, and realize who the person was, he jumped up and out from befhind the booth, and came up to me. Then i realied who it was! It was pretty awesome.
Good thing? My burger was comped, completely free :)
So after my first day at Comic Con, I thought I'd seen it all. I mean, in my first day I took a picture with Adam West (which I'll picture in a future post for the sake of saving space), I met many other celebrities, and I won a Microsoft KIN!
If I thought that was something, Saturday was even better. Patrick Stewart arrived :)
Above are some photos taken on my second day at Comic Con.
Here is a picture of the BatMobile; not the original, but an exact replica.
Thing I was really looking forward to doing at the convention were getting autographs and taking pictures of or with the various celebrities in attendence. Above are some pictures from day one.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Black Jack: Volume One, Chapter Nine
Dr. Konomi is a very skilled doctor. She can perform almost any operation, no matter how gruesome. She has no problem cutting off an arm, or amputation a leg, and she does so without even batting an eye. As a result, the her peers believe she is a cold, cruel, scapel-happy woman, and they have dubbed her "The Black Queen", and "the female Black Jack." Konomi knows rumors of the underground, unlicensed Dr. Black Jack, and, as she's explaining this to her boyfriend Rock, she tells him how offended she is that they'd compare her to a monster like him. Rock tells her to quit her job, but Konomi refuses to give up, simply because of what the other Doctors are saying about her. Frustrated, Konomi goes to a bar, and proceeds to get drunk. She shares her story to anyone in the bar who cares to listen, one person turning out to be Black Jack himself. Konomi tells him that they are birds of a feather, not afraid to "slice 'um up". The following morning, as Konomi is performing another operation, removing a man's fingers, a nurse rushes in an says she has a phone call; it sounds like an emergency. Konomi answers, and shes informed that her boyfriend, Rock, has had a severe accident; that a crane has fallen over on his leg, and it will need to be amputated. They send Rock over to the hospital and, upon seeing his condition, Konomi breaks down. She can't remove her boyfriend's leg. She just can't. Just then, Black Jack comes in. Konomi explains her situation to him, and Black Jack feels bad for her. He drugs her drink, and puts her to sleep so that he can perform the operation himself. Konomi wakes up to find her peers praising her that the operation went perfectly and that her boyfriend managed to keep his leg after all. (Little do they know it was actually Black Jack who's to thank) Konomi realizes this, and now knows just how fantastic Black Jack really is, and that any rumors about him were wrong. She's honored to be the female Black Jack, the Black Queen.
Black Jack: Volume One, Chapter Eight
Black Jack and Pinoko are at a fireworks show when one stray firework suddenly explodes on the ground, severly burning one man from head to toe. The show ends as a result, and the two go home. As they are walking home, Pinoko points out how wonderful the stars look that night, and Black Jack explains that the bigger, brighter stars are called Magnitude 1 stars, while the ones we can barely see are called Magnitude 6 Stars. He explains that the principle also applies to people, and he beings to tel a story of a man he felt was a Magnitude 6 star: Just recently, at this big city medical center, a huge debate broke out as to who would take the place of the director, who had just passed away. Two very prominent doctors at the hospital are the likely candidates for the position, and the Board begins to argue over which is more qualified. Both had worked there for 20 years, and both were common household names, for one had published many sucessful medical books, while the other appeared on TV very often. The debate continues until finally someone remembers there is a third doctor who also has been there for 20 years, Doctor Shitake. They quickly dismiss him however because he has always been very quiet, staying to the sidelines rather than causing a fuss. The following day, as Shitake is walking home, a truck crashes, crushing the drivers arm and pinning him inside. An ambulance arrives quickly and Shitake springs into action, using only the tools and drugs available in the ambulance to save the man's life. Black Jack witnessed Shitake work, and he asks him why he hasnt taken interest in the Director's position at the hospital; obviously he is the perfect man for the job with all of his skill. Shitake says that a doctor cannot let ambition get the best of them, and that his current position suits him fine. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, the Board continues to fight over the two celebrity doctors. They are both arrested, for it's discovered they had both been bribing people to elect them as Director.So finally, as Black Jack concludes his story, he explains to Pinoko, that the hospital is still without a director; Shitake never took the position. They arrive home just then, and Black Jack gets a call explaining that tehy are going to send the firework victim for him to operate on. Black Jack tells them that it's too late to transfer the man; he needs to be operated on now or he'll die! He hangs up. At the hospital, the staff is scrambling trying to find skin donors, as well as a doctor to performt the surgury, but just then, Dr. Shitake steps forward. He says he's already found donors in the hospital and hes ready to perform the operation. He does, and it is a smashing sucess, much to the Board's surprise and relief. It's suggested they'll elect him as the new Director.